You’ve just found your “in-house” production team.

A client has probably asked if you offer video production.

A lot of agencies don’t—and frankly, they’re smart not to. Production is a super complex and expensive machine that requires a ton of overhead and industry-specific knowledge to do well.

That’s why some agencies partner with video production houses like us.

Partnering with us gives you video production capabilities without the overhead.

Our partners get access to…

Proposal Writing

Trust one of our producers to budget your film, assemble the crew, write schedules, and help you deliver on-time and on-budget.

Project Scoping

Let us handle everything from writing to production to post—and all the steps in between. We’ll bring the community’s best talent straight to you.

Portfolio Access

Hand us the markers and the pens, and we’ll deliver you a concept, treatment, and full script written with your brand and budget in mind.

All we ask for in return is the chance to work with you.


  • Yes! As a partner of ours, we provide the support you need to win more work. That includes proposal writing, project scoping, and portfolio access. We negotiate a few terms to ensure that we’re investing a fair amount of time, but like we said, we invest in our long-term relationships.

  • No. If we help you scope or bid on a project, all we ask for in return is the right of first refusal—or, “first looks.” If you decide that you’d rather work with another production house, we’ll respect your decision (after shedding a few tears).

  • Production work tends to be pretty seasonal. Plus, productions often require a team of people, so you would need to hire contractors anyway. Partnering with Freytag Films gives you access to quality production without having to worry about the overhead of payroll.